If you have an insurance plan that we participate with, that means you get reduced fees for some procedures. Even if we do not participate with your insurance plan, it still pays a percentage of our regular fees. Regardless of your insurance, you may find that our regular fees are better than many other offices anyway. To ensure coverage by your provider, please call our office at (816)741-7477 to confirm your insurance plan is accepted by Burns Dental Care. We operate as a fee for service practice, so you are responsible for your portion of our fees the day the service is rendered. We are happy to answer all insurance questions you may have for us prior to your visit.

Electronic Claims Processing

Burns Dental Care utilizes electronic claims processing. This means that rather than sending your dental claim through the mail, it is sent electronically to your insurance company with the click of a button. By filing your claim electronically, information is submitted more efficiently and with fewer errors. This benefits our patients because the turnaround time on claims is faster and fewer claims are returned or denied. As a service to you, we are happy to submit your dental claims to your insurance company on your behalf.

Membership Plan

We have plans for adults, adults with periodontal disease, and children. Included in the plans you’ll get exams, x-rays, cleanings, fluoride treatments, oral cancer screenings, one emergency visit, and 20% off other services.

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